Boston Marathon Versus COVID-19, Part I

Will the Boston Marathon be affected by the Coronavirus? I have thirteen athletes preparing for the Boston Marathon and wondering the same thing. With six weeks left, we are in our final push before the taper. The current COVID-19 situation is on everyone’s mind – understandably so. The Tokyo Marathon, like the Boston Marathon, isContinue reading “Boston Marathon Versus COVID-19, Part I”

Marathon Preparation Workout

5K REPEATS.  As a marathoner, learning to run the correct pace is important, and the only way to do that is by practice!  If you have a time goal for your next marathon, this is my favorite confidence-boosting workouts.  I believe it is what helped me run my first sub 3 marathon. Not only doesContinue reading “Marathon Preparation Workout”

Marathons in the RUN717 Area

Here is a list of marathons within driving distance in the South Central Pennsylvania area. Let me know if you know of any additional races that should be added. Would you like some guidance on how to pick a marathon? Read my post for some tips: How to Pick a Marathon George Washington Birthday MarathonContinue reading “Marathons in the RUN717 Area”

How to Pick a Marathon

Are you overwhelmed with choosing a  marathon? It’s no wonder because there are over 800 marathons in the US alone, according to Running in the USA. How do you go about choosing the right race for you? Here are some things to consider: WHEN: Narrow down your race date first. If you can’t pick aContinue reading “How to Pick a Marathon”